Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fun With Dates

More Interesting Dates in November...
14th: Claude Monet's Birthday(1840) Go look at some art!

14th-20th: Geography Awareness Week!

15th: America Recycles Day!

17th: Homemade Bread Day! Smells delicious!

19th: Lincoln Gave His Gettysburg Address (1863)

20th: Edwin Hubble's Birthday (1889) Check out space through a telescope!

21st: 1st Hot-Air Balloon Flight (1763)

22nd: Mount St. Helens Erupted (1842) and JFK Assassinated (1963)

23rd: National Cashew Day! Go nuts!

25th: Happy Thanksgiving!!!

30th: Mark Twain's Birthday (1835)

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